Skill-based gambling in the sense of the Gambling Act (Art. 3(d)) comprises games where winning depends entirely or largely on the player’s skill.

Automated, intercantonal or online skill games require licensing by Gespa. Prevalent on the current market are skill-game machines approved by the Federal Gaming Board (FGB) (see list below) and licensed by cantonal authorities before the Gambling Act came into effect.

No licensing is required for skill-based games that are neither automated nor run intercantonally or online.

Sports competitions are outside the Gambling Act’s scope of application and therefore (in legal terms) do not qualify as skill games, even if real money stakes and prizes are involved. Where doubts arise as to the nature of a sports event with regard to the Gambling Act, you are invited to contact Gespa.

Skill-based gambling

Within the framework of federal law, the cantons may levy taxes on skill-game machines. For further information, the authorities of the respective canton can be contacted.

Related topics

About Gespa

Our mission

Supervision by the Swiss Gambling Supervisory Authority Gespa is aimed at ensuring that players in Switzerland may participate in lotteries, sports betting and skill-based games in a safe and socially responsible manner.

Regulation and licensing


Information on the legal foundations, the structure and the objectives of gambling regulation is available here.

Regulation and licensing


In these pages operators and organisers of gambling events find supplementary information that goes beyond what is of interest to the broader public.